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General Settings Questions
General Settings Questions

A collection of general settings to help navigate your pool more efficiently

Milan avatarKA
4 authors40 articles
What happens if a game is canceled / postponed to a future week?
How can I share/print my Squares/Block Pool?
What happens if all of my squares aren't filled?
How can I change my entry name that appears in the reports and/or grids?
My pick won, but it is showing up as a loss. Why?
My Survivor Revival Pool won't let members in or make picks. Why?
When are the standings (and other reports) updated?
My players like to see who everyone has picked going into the weekend. Do you have a report that does this?
When do the numbers get generated on my grid? How can I show them now?
What if pool members forget to enter picks?
What happens in the event of a tie?
Is there a phone number I can use to contact support?
Can I modify my picks once I've submitted them?
Can I add a member's pick for them after the pick deadline?
I'm trying to pick just the early game(s) for a week, but the pick sheet won't let me. Is this a site error?
How are the confidence points allotted in weeks with less than 16 games?
How does the site determine a winner using the tiebreaker?
What can I use for a weekly tiebreak?
What is the deadline?
Do I need to update game results for standings and other reports to be updated?
Do the site-entered point spreads change during the week?
What game is used for the tiebreaker if there is no Monday night game or there are two Monday night games?
Does RunYourPool collect any fees from members or distribute winnings and/or prizes?
Can I change the name of my pool?
What kind of reports are available for my pool?
I'm reusing my pool from last season. How do I handle new and returning members?
I ran a pool with you last season. Do I need to start a new pool this season?
My member is having trouble logging in? What do I do?
How do I edit a square I picked?
What is your refund policy?
Can I do a multiple elimination for my Survivor Pool?
What is the penalty if I set a minimum number of games for a player to pick in our credits pool and they don't pick any game?
What happens if a player misses submitting their picks for one of the tournaments? How does it affect their chances of winning the season cumulative competition?
Who wins if they tie using your point spreads?
Email Reminders for NBA/NFL Pick 'Em and Survivor
How are the winning squares marked? Is that done automatically?
General Question: Are You Able to Create and or Edit a Pool Format for Me?
General Questions - What is your Refund Policy?
General Questions: Pay for Only Completed Entries
General Questions: Delete Account