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NFL Survivor: FAQ's
Abbey avatar
Written by Abbey
Updated over 10 months ago

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Q: What is the deadline for pool members to enter picks each week?

A: Commissioners currently have two options on when the pick sheet locks: 1. The first scheduled kickoff of the week (usually Thursday evening). 2. Sundays at 1:00pm Eastern time. This is the option we recommend, as members often forget to pick the early game(s). With this option, they can still pick up any Sunday games.

Q: How can I change my entry name that appears in the reports?

A: Entry names can be changed on your entries page within the pool. Click on the appropriate pool membership on your Pool Memberships page. Once in the pool, navigate to the 'Your Picks' tab and click the 'rename' link next to the entry you would like to change.

Q: What happens in the event of a tie?

A: There is no official tiebreaker, so it's up to the pool commissioner to determine how they would like to handle a tie. Here are some popular considerations: 1) If you issued mulligans to revive members after a loss, you may choose to break the tie by the person with the least amount of mulligans. 2) Many people use our Point Spread Differential report as a tiebreaker, which rewards the person with the riskier picks (based on the point spreads). 3) If your remaining members all lost during the same week, you can issue mulligans to revive them and let them keep playing (assuming there are future weeks still available). 4) Simply declare a tie.

Q: What happens if a game is cancelled / postponed to a future week?

A: We have added a new setting (Under Pool Settings -> Pick and Scoring Settings -> Cancelled Games) where you can choose how you would like to handle picks for cancelled games. More info is available under the help icon next to setting.

Q: Does the pool deadline change if there is an early game for the week (Example, A Thursday game in week 1)?

A: This depends on your settings.

Commissioners with their deadline set to the first game of the week will have their pick sheet lock all games when the first game starts ... even if it's an early game.

For commissioners with their deadline set to Sundays at 1:00pm ET, members must pick the early games prior to scheduled kickoff. However, they will be able to make changes to later games even after the early games have been played. For example, a member can go in and make a pick change on Saturday for a Sunday game, but would not be able to change a game played on Thursday at that time.

Please note that if your deadline is set to Sundays at 1pm ET, any early Sunday morning games will be treated the same as Thursday games.

Q: My players like to see who everyone has picked going into the weekend. Do you have a report that does this?

A: Yes. Once the weekly pick entry deadline has passed, pool members will be have access to everyone's picks for that week.

Q: When are the standings (and other reports) updated?

A: Most updates will occur within minutes of the conclusion of each game, however due to the nature of the internet, we make no guarantee about the exact time an update will take place.

Q: When do your NFL Survivor pools end?

A: Our Survivor pools can be run through the regular season only, or extended into the playoffs if you have members who are still alive.

Members' pick history will start fresh for the playoffs, with a separate option to allow team reuse exclusively for the post season.

Q: When do I pay for my pool?

A: We allow you to run your NFL pool for free through the first week of the NFL season. Once the first game is updated in Week 2, you will be required to make payment in order to continue to use the pool management service. On screen prompts, at that time, will ask you to pay if you have not already done so.

You can pay for your pool at any time, however, we strongly recommend you pay ONLY AFTER ALL YOUR MEMBERS HAVE JOINED. Paying for your pool will cap your member limit, preventing new members from joining when your limit has been reached (unless you decide to upgrade and pay for a block of additional members at a higher per member rate).

Only Pool Commissioners will be allowed to make payment for their pools. The payment link can be found in the Commissioner Console.

Q: Can I add member's picks for them after the pick deadline?

A: Yes. To do so, follow these steps:

1. If they did not join yet, click the 'Add a Member' link under Commissioner Console --> Member Management.
2. Click the 'Member Pick Maintenance' link in the Commissioner Console.
3. Follow the instructions on screen.

Q: Do you send weekly pick reminders to participants?

A: Your members can opt-in to weekly reminders sent by the RunYourPool service. The option is available at the top of their entries page.

By default, this option is turned off. We do not allow pool commissioners to turn this on for all participants, as that would increase the likelihood of emails from our email address being marked as spam.

Q: The point spread is wrong for a specific NFL game. Why?

A: While it is possible a point spread was entered incorrectly, most often the line has changed since it was entered (usually on Tuesday mornings).

Point spreads, once entered in the system, are not changed. It would not be fair to change them for people who already entered picks for the game.

Q: Can I see my pool standings and results from previous years?

A: Yes. Go to Reports --> Pool History

Q: I see there is a winners pool, can I also setup a losers pool?

A: Yes, when you first start a pool, you will change pick winners to pick losers under the 'pick objective' option.

Q: Can I choose my starting week?

A: Yes, when starting your pool you can choose when you start your pool or you can go into your commissioner console --> pool settings --> pick and scoring setting --> pick starting week.

If you are not able to change it, might need to check members do not have any picks in yet, that will affect it.

Q: If a members is eliminated, how can I bring them back?

A: If you go to your commissioner console --> you can select 'issue mulligans" and do it manually or go to pool settings --> mulligan settings and toggle on 'automatic mulligans"

Q: Can I add double pick weeks?

A: Yes, go to your commissioner console --> pool settings --> pick and scoring setting --> double picks --> select your weeks

* Once double picks have been made by any members, you can not change the setting back to a single pick for that week.

Q: Can members re-use a team?

A: Yes. When toggled OFF, your members can only pick an NFL team once per season. Therefore, a different team must be picked every week.

When ON, members can pick any team every week, including those they have previously picked.

Q: What is the pick objective stand for?

A: Survivor pools can be set so members need to choose a winning team each week (a traditional survivor pool) or a losing team each week (referred to as a loser pool).

Q: How would I handle a tie for a NFL game?

A: Although ties in a NFL are rare, this setting will determine whether ties are treated as a win or loss in your pool.

Q: What is the cancelled game option for?

A: This option is for how you would like to handle a game that is cancelled, postponed to a future wee or otherwise not played (ex: forfeited)

If you choose 'no replacement', any members who picked a cancelled game (and are unable to pick another game before the pick deadline) will keep their pick and take a loss for the week.

Choosing the option of replacing their pick with the biggest (or smallest) favorite will automatically give members the NFL team with the largest (or smallest) point spread that they haven't previously used from games that occur after your pick deadline.

NOTE: If a late game is cancelled last minute, this may result in a pick being assigned from an earlier game that has already been completed.

Q: I only see 3 different options for a pick deadline, can you customize a pick deadline for my pool?

A: No. We cannot do that.

Q: Can you extend the payment deadline for my pool?

A: No, all NFL Survivor pool payments are due at the same time. If payment is not made by the payment deadline, pool will be locked for members and the commissioner will not able to see any pages until payment is made.

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