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NBA Survivor: FAQ's
Abbey avatar
Written by Abbey
Updated over 9 months ago

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Q: How does the NBA Survivor pool format work?

A: The name of the game in any Survivor Pool (also known as Eliminator, Suicide, Knockout, Last Man Standing, or King of the Hill pools) is to make it to the next week.

  • Members in your NBA survivor pool will get the chance to select one game of all the games in that given week (unless you, the commissioner, decide you want to dial up the difficulty and to choose multiple games).

  • If members choose the correct winner, they move on to the next week.

Q: How does someone win?

A: The last member that is "alive" or standing wins

Q: When does the pool pick sheet come available?

A: Your pool's pick sheet will become available at the start of each week.

Q: Are their survivor pool options?

A: Yes, you can pick winners (Survivor Pool) or you can pick the losers (Losers Pool). You will set this up when you first create the pool.

Q: Is there a set limit of entires members can make?

A: No, a pool commissioner can allow multiple pick entries per member account or limit members to a single entry.

Q: When can I start my pool? Can I choose a specific week?

A: Yes, in the pool settings page, you can choose the week to start your pool for you and your members.

Q: Is auto-picks available?

A: Yes. Automatically pick assignments (in the event that members forget to pick) you can turn on in pool settings.

Q: If a member is eliminated, can I revive them?

A: Yes, we have a "mulligans" option that can be turned on/off and can be done automatically or manually if member makes an incorrect pick and therefore eliminated.

Q: Do I need to start a new pool for the playoffs?

A: No. Within your commissioner console > pool settings > you have the ability to include the regular season only or include the playoffs and NBA Finals

Q: Do members have the ability to pick a team more than once?

A: As the pool commissioner, you have the ability to limit how many times members can pick a specific team through your commissioner console > pool settings.

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