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MLB: Survivor Format FAQ's

Most common questions that are answered to help!

Abbey avatar
Written by Abbey
Updated over 10 months ago

Hi there!

Thanks for reaching us here. Hopefully this FAQ article to help answer your questions!

Q: How can I prevent users from joining my pool after I hit the amount I want?

A: You will go to your commissioner console > pool settings > basic settings > turn on "prevent new entries"

Q: Can members have multiple entries in my pool?

A: Yes, you the commissioner can toggle ON/OFF the "allow multiple entries" in the commissioner console > pool settings > basic pool settings

Q: How do I update my pool start date?

A: You will go to your commissioner console > pool settings > pick settings > Pool starting week > select the drop down arrow to change the week

Q: Can me or my members re-use the same teams?

A: There is a "pick re-use" option, if you want to toggle that on or off, that will give you the option. You will go to your commissioner console > pool setting > pick settings > pick reuse - toggle on/off:

Q: Can I control how many "strikes" my members get before they are eliminated?

A: Yes, you can! You will go to your commission console > pool settings > pick settings > # of "strikes" before elimination > use the drop down arrow to control

Q: Can I set the schedule for double pick weeks or single weeks?

A: Yes, as the commissioner, you can control if you want certain weeks to have double pick weeks or regular 1 pick per week. You will go to your commissioner console > pool settings > pick settings > double picks

**Please note: Members need to have both picks correct to not receive a strike. Once one members picks are in, you cannot change "double picks" week until you erase the picks for that week**

Q: If a member of my pool forgets to make picks after the pick deadline, can I make picks for them?

A: Yes, you the commissioner can submit picks for a member after the deadline. You will go to your commissioner console > member pick maintenance page > select member > click empty picks and make a pick

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