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Q: What is a Playoff Power Ranking Pool?
A: Sports fans are familiar with the term "Power Rankings". It refers to a listing of teams from strongest to weakest, whether based on statistics, perception, or a combination of the two. This NHL playoff pool format is based on the concept of ranking all the NHL playoff teams:
Pool members rank all 16 NHL teams competing in the NHL Playoffs from strongest (16 points) to weakest (1 point)
Members are awarded the number of points assigned to an NHL team when that team wins
Administrator's can configure their own progressive point system, by setting up a point multiplier for each playoff round (see Scoring Options section below)
Q: Are there different scoring options to choose from?
A: Yes, there are TWO OPTIONS:
Pool commissioners, when setting up their pool, may choose to keep their scoring system simple or create a custom scoring matrix.
Option #1 - Simple Scoring
With this option, a member will receive the number of points assigned to a team each time that team wins. A winning team is awarded that number of points regardless of which playoff round the win comes in.
Option #2 - Custom Scoring
With this option, Administrator's can create a custom multiplier for each round of the playoffs. A member will receive the number of points assigned to a team TIMES the multiplier assigned for that round.
Q: Can I customize my pick deadline?
A: No, this setting is not customizable. All picks will be locked once the first playoff game starts
Q: How do I use the picksheet?
A: 1. Use your mouse to move the cursor over the list of teams. The cursor will change to look like this:
2. Now, you can simply click the mouse button and, while holding the mouse button down, drag the team into the point slot that corresponds to the number of points you want to assign to them. Assign the team you think will do the best 16 points and the team you think will do the worst 1 point.
3. When all the teams are where you want them, you must click the 'Submit Picks' button at the bottom of the list
That's all there is to it! We suggest double checking your picks once submitted to ensure they have been saved correctly.
Q: Is there a tie-breaker for this pool format?
A: Yes, the tie-breaker is the final championship game combined score. You can turn the tie-breaker feature ON/OFF by going to your commissioner console > pool settings > pick and scoring setting > tiebreaker.
Q: As a commissioner, can I change the point system?
A: Yes, you will go to your commissioner console > pool settings > pick and scoring settings > point setting:
Q: How can I change my entry name that appears in the reports?
A: Entry names can be changed on your entries page within the pool. Click on the appropriate pool membership on your Pool Memberships page. Once in the pool, navigate to the 'Your Picks' tab and click the 'rename' link next to the entry you would like to change.
Q: How do I set the number of points members get for picking the correct series winners? I notice series length points but not series winners.
A: There isn't a separate field for just picking the winner...the only possible outcomes are winner +0 off, winner +1 off, winner +2 off, and winner +3 off. Those cover all of the scenarios. The worst you could do is picking the winner and being off 3.
Q: When are the standings (and other reports) updated?
A: Most updates will occur within minutes of the conclusion of each game, however due to the nature of the internet, we make no guarantee about the exact time an update will take place.
Q: Can I add a member's picks for them after the pick deadline?
A: Yes. To do so, follow these steps:
1. If they did not join yet, click the 'Add a Member' link under Commissioner Console --> Member Management.
2. Click the 'Member Pick Maintenance' link in the Commissioner Console.
3. Follow the instructions on screen.
Q: Can I see my pools standings and results from previous years?
A: Yes. Go to Reports --> Pool History